At the beginning of the 21st Century monsters still roam the remote, and sometimes not so remote, corners of our planet. It is our job to search for them. The Centre for Fortean Zoology [CFZ] is - we believe - the largest professional, scientific and full-time organisation in the world dedicated to cryptozoology - the study of unknown animals. Since 1992 the CFZ has carried out an unparalleled programme of research and investigation all over the world. Since 2009 we have been running the increasingly popular CFZ Blog Network, and although there has been an American branch of the CFZ for over ten years now, it is only now that it has a dedicated blog.

Monday 21 April 2014


White Squirrel
Some time ago we wrote about black squirrels.  Gray squirrels can also be found colored white, either due to albinism or leucism.  You can find them in Missouri, Kentucky, Ohio, New York, North Carolina and Illinois.  At Brevard (North Carolina) there is an annual White Squirrel Festival.  This year's lasts from May 23rd-25th, but is a musical rather than an animal festival, I understand.  Olney (Illinois) calls itself the White Squirrel capital of the world.  White Squirrels have right of way on the streets.  If you kill one, the penalty is $500.

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