Sunday 27 December 2015


On This Day in Weird, December 27...

1981: Four young boys walking their dogs on the Hackney Marshes—an  area of grassland on the western bank of the River Lea in the London Borough of Hackney—discover a trail of three-clawed footprints in the snow. One youth claims the tracks are bear footprints, though all bears known to science share five claws on each foot. Moments later, the boys meet an elderly couple that warns them to leave, since a "bear" has been prowling the area. Pressing on regardless, they soon meet "a giant great growling bear-like creature" and finally flee the vicinity. Police search the 5,000-acre wasteland on December 28, employing a helicopter and tracking dogs, finding no creature but discovering "several convincing sets of tracks" that end abruptly in the snow.

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