Tuesday 28 January 2014


In Louisiana, amongst Cajuns and Creoles, belief in the Rougarou (there are various spellings) was widespread.  The word is a corruption of French loup-garou (werewolf), but, in the case of the rougarou, it can be other creatures as well.  It likes to suck blood.  Some say you will find it only in field and forest.  Some say rougarous ride to balls on the backs of bats.

To show the variety of forms it can take, a woman attacked by a ferocious chicken claims it was a rougarou.

J. Verret claimed a rougarou in the form of a dog chased his uncle and cousin.  Then the dog changed into a man and chased them no more.

It was said rougarous captured children to use as fish bait.

A Rougarou Fest, which celebrates Louisiana folklore, is to be held on October 25th, 2014.

This is one of the more fascinating creatures of American folklore.  We would be delighted to hear from people who know of similar creatures in other parts of the country.

A ferocious chicken.

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