Tuesday 16 May 2023


Morgan's Ridge is to be found in the town of Rivesville, West Virginia.  The Monster seems to have been seen chiefly around the 1920s or perhaps earlier.  A family named O'Dell is said to have suffered from its depredations on their sheep and eventually they shot it.  (They heard it scream.), but they could only make out its shadowy form in the darkness and they coukl not find its shadowy form in the darkness.  They did not find its body after the shooting.

Frank Kokul, a Croatian immigrant, came face to face with the Monster in 1929 and fought with it.  It seemed to be phantasmal for his blows did not seem to affect it and, despite its attack, he received no injury.  The beast vanished.

Sightings of the Monster have spanned a number of generations. 

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