Monday 6 June 2022


Some cryptids are seen only once and no evidence of a viable population of them has yet surfaced.  Some cryptids appear in places that could not support a viable population of them.  The question that faces the cryptozoologist then is one of provenance.  Where do they come from?

The notion that they wander in through other dimensions or portals has been considered more often in recent times.  Is there, however, any evidence of portals leading to other dimensions?

One thinks, perhaps, of Skinwalker Ranch in this regard; but I would like to tell you of an example.  Many of you will have heard of Barton Nunnelly, who has distinguished himself in Fortean research and who has written a number of praiseworthy books.  It looks as though he himself experienced a portal at the tender age of  nine.

In a car with his older brother Dean he looked out of the window and beheld a mass of cloud which  gave way to a large hole.  Through this hole he saw a castle, with turrets and a banner.  It appeared to be a perfectly solid and tangible structure, on the far side of the hole.  He drew Dean;s attention to it and both gazed agog through the hole at the castle with its banner unfurled.  Then the car passed some trees, which obscured their view.  When they had passed the trees the castle was no longer visible.

This looks to me like evidence of a portal leading to another dimension.  The fact that the castle was seen by both boys militates against its being hallucinatory.  What do you think? 


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