It looked reptilian - what was it?
now read on.....
The duendes are there.
now read on....
What do you think?
In lake in Tanzania.
Research suggests they did.
The rare shortnose batfish does it.
Beast of Barrisdale, Scotland.
Threatens family in San José.
They allegedly scared off divers.
An interesting thing to try.
Beings caught in photos.
now read on and see photos...
He gets around, doesn't he?
Bipedal fish of Hong Kong.
Report from 1947.
It features in Maori legend.
Aboriginal rock engraving.
More information on sighting of bizarre humanoid.
Reports of this creature, perhaps a thylacine. Encounters date from 1955.
Famous monster of New Brunswick.
However unlikely it may seem, sightings have been reported.
You pronounce it doovarchoo or doorchu - the CH as in Bach.
Taken off Irish coast in 2013.
Legendary reptile of France.
Could sightings such as this lie behind lake monster reports?
If not, what could they be?
Report from Oklahoma.
now read on......
Was it the real thing?
Creatures half fairy, half human.
After living in a house for three years, a family finds a hidden room.
What happens where the footprints end?
Not to mention Bigfoot.
Keeps out threats to endangered species.
Biofluorescence in Australian mammals and marsupials.
It had a big beak.
Report from near Natick.
Does it exist? Is it a bear?
Australia's answer to Bigfoot.
Reported in the 1930s: hardly a modern phenomenon.
Some coincidences appear to be more than mere coincidence.
See this video.
On the Track 117 now available. The CFZ telecast.
have a look....
Visual evidence of large felid.
Reported last February from England.
Do they really exist?
A creature of Polish folklore.
They are at Tyndall AFB, Florida.
The sea may contain many a cryptid.
The places where Lovecraft set his stories.
Water horse of Orcadian folklore.
Could a real creature lie behind mermaids?
Talimeda Drive Sighting.
What is it? Who put it there?
now read on.......
From McCartney Mountain.
It was a cryptid of Hungary which is thought o have died out before 1900.
Portion of a book (in English) by famed cryptozoologist Boris Porshnev.
Sounds somewhat terrifying.
New DNA tests may lead to one.
Or is it merely a legend?
Accounts relayed in interview.
Encountered by air traffic controller.
What dwells in the depths of the oceans?
Strange creature of Illinois.
These are bizarre beings.